For many years there was only one efficient option to store data on a laptop – having a hard drive (HDD). On the other hand, this type of technology is already demonstrating its age – hard disks are noisy and slow; they can be power–ravenous and tend to generate a lot of warmth during intense procedures.

SSD drives, in contrast, are quick, consume significantly less power and are far less hot. They feature an innovative method of file accessibility and storage and are years in front of HDDs regarding file read/write speed, I/O effectiveness and then power efficacy. Find out how HDDs fare up against the modern SSD drives.

1. Access Time


SSD drives give a brand–new & imaginative approach to data safe–keeping using the use of electronic interfaces as an alternative to just about any moving parts and spinning disks. This brand new technology is faster, enabling a 0.1 millisecond data accessibility time.


HDD drives still take advantage of the very same basic data access technology that was originally created in the 1950s. Even though it was much improved consequently, it’s slower compared with what SSDs are offering. HDD drives’ data file access rate ranges in between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


The random I/O performance is critical for the effectiveness of any data file storage device. We have carried out substantial tests and have confirmed that an SSD can handle no less than 6000 IO’s per second.


Over the very same trials, the HDD drives demonstrated that they are much slower, with 400 IO operations handled per second. While this seems to be a large amount, for people with an overloaded web server that contains a great deal of well known web sites, a slow hard disk drive can cause slow–loading websites.

3. Reliability


The lack of moving parts and spinning disks inside SSD drives, as well as the recent improvements in electric interface technology have resulted in a much reliable file storage device, with a normal failing rate of 0.5%.


As we have already noted, HDD drives rely upon spinning hard disks. And something that takes advantage of a lot of moving elements for lengthy time periods is susceptible to failure.

HDD drives’ common rate of failing can vary among 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives operate virtually noiselessly; they don’t create surplus warmth; they don’t call for more air conditioning options and also use up considerably less electricity.

Trials have established that the average electric power usage of an SSD drive is amongst 2 and 5 watts.


From the minute they have been created, HDDs have always been really power–ravenous devices. Then when you have a hosting server with plenty of HDD drives, this will likely boost the monthly electric bill.

Typically, HDDs consume between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


As a result of SSD drives’ greater I/O performance, the leading web server CPU will be able to process data demands more rapidly and save time for other operations.

The regular I/O wait for SSD drives is 1%.


Compared with SSDs, HDDs permit not so quick data file accessibility speeds. The CPU will be required to wait for the HDD to return the demanded file, saving its resources meanwhile.

The common I/O delay for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for several real–world examples. We, at Buy Expert, produced a complete system backup on a web server using only SSDs for file storage uses. In that procedure, the average service time for an I/O demand remained under 20 ms.


In contrast to SSD drives, HDDs feature noticeably reduced service times for input/output requests. In a web server backup, the regular service time for an I/O call ranges somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You can easily experience the real–world potential benefits to having SSD drives day by day. For example, on a web server equipped with SSD drives, a complete back up will take just 6 hours.


We employed HDDs exclusively for a couple of years and we have great knowledge of just how an HDD functions. Generating a backup for a server equipped with HDD drives is going to take around 20 to 24 hours.

Should you want to easily boost the overall performance of your sites with no need to modify any code, an SSD–operated hosting service is a excellent option. Take a look at the Linux cloud hosting packages and the VPS hosting plans – these hosting services highlight extremely fast SSD drives and are offered at good prices.

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